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How to start with crypto as part of your investment portfolio

This article introduces cryptocurrency investments and a comprehensive guide to bring you the knowledge and tools necessary to understand this exciting investment landscape. Whether you are a beginner or have some crypto investment experience and would like to recap your knowledge, this is the right place and valuable resource on your investment journey.
Michaela Malatin
October 12, 2023

Unlocking crypto opportunities for women - introduction

The growing number of women in the cryptocurrency industry is reshaping traditional finance and technology dynamics. The digital era, accelerated by the pandemic, has enabled remote work, benefiting women who often balance multiple roles. Cryptocurrency investments offer women the chance to generate passive income from home, maximizing returns on their crypto holdings and reflecting the rapidly changing landscape in tech and finance. This article should bring you insights into the magic of crypto investments and the basics of the background of this immersive industry before you jump "TO THE MOON".
Michaela Malatin
October 12, 2023

Debunking common myths in personal finance

Join me as we unravel common fallacies about investing, homeownership, retirement planning, debt management, and the stock market. Together, let’s wave goodbye to these misconceptions and navigate the financial landscape with confidence and clarity.
Amit Grinvald
October 12, 2023

How to start building an investment portfolio? 3-step plan

In this article, you will get a 3-steps plan on how to build an investment portfolio based on your needs and goals. Here are a few tips on how to start to build an investment portfolio and let your money work for you!
Michaela Tothova
October 12, 2023

How to improve your financial wellness (takeaways from Fondee workshop)

Femme Palette recently co-organized a workshop on financial wellness run by Eva Hlavsova and Laureen Hollge from the online investment platform Fondee. During the workshop, many interesting insights were shared on the topics of women and finances, and how to achieve financial wellness, and so we decided to put together 5 steps shared by Fondee for improving your financial wellness.
Femme Palette
October 12, 2023

Starting Angel investing? This one's for you!

Here are a few simple tips on how to navigate the topic of angel investment as a beginner.
Zuzana Zamborska
October 12, 2023

The growing potential of NFTs

Try to open global newspapers without catching headlines about NFT and famous people buying them. ChangingTwitter profile pictures and IG pictures became a new measure of community status. You might be asking why. And can you join? Yes, you can!
Michaela Malatin
October 12, 2023