Join our community of
ambitious women in Amsterdam

Why you should join our community

Discover the many perks and benefits of being a Femme Palette community member.

Join the community for like-minded women in Amsterdam

Get access to community, exclusive events, perks, mentorship, and more.

Who is it for?

Our community is a safe space for driven women who want to connect with like-minded professionals, share their career challenges, get inspired and learn new things. It's great way to expand your horizons and broaden your professional network (and friend circle) by meeting other ambitious women in your location.

Our community is diverse - you can meet women of different cultures, nationalities, and backgrounds. Our members work in different industries such as HR, marketing, design, IT, etc. Some of our members are entrepreneurial and have a side-hustle or focus on their business full time.

The community is open for women of all ages, although our members are typically aged between 25 and 35. Our main hubs are in Berlin, Prague, London, and in major European and US cities.

Meet some of the community members

Meet some of the Amsterdam based
members and mentors

Explore our programs



Get a mentor who will help you explore your career options, set development goals, acquire new contacts and identify useful resources.

Coaching and Mentoring

Are you not sure about your next career step? Get help from a coach to define your career goals before you dive into mentoring with your mentor.


Focus only on coaching and work on your personal development and challenges with your personal coach.

A little sneak peak to our community

Meet our local Community Ambassador

Vanda is a communication specialist with a passion for sustainability and community management. With experience in both marketing and PR agencies as well as on the client side, notably at, she specializes in media relations and event management. Vanda loves supporting others in their careers and businesses, and she is also involved in the Czech-Slovak Dutch Chamber of Commerce as a Project Marketing Manager.
Vanda Adlerova
Femme Palette Community Ambassador - Amsterdam