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Our company and individual clients have different needs, but what connects them is the growth mindset, and innovative approach to learning.

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What our company clients say

Read about the experience of our clients who sent their colleagues to our Mentoring program
We cooperated with Femme Palette on Mentoring Program for Avast women employees. This program was focused on leadership skills, soft-skills development. Mentees had a chance to learn from the experts across different industries which was invaluable. After the program mentees felt more confident about how to pursue their careers, started to build personal brand and some Mentees even got promoted!
Irina Veligan
Campaigns Optimization Manager at Avast, Women at Avast Committee member
The experience of working with Femme Palette has been impactful and really easy! The participants of our women’s development programme, who were matched through FP to their mentors, felt it was the most beneficial part of their experience. Throughout the programme we felt supported, with useful reporting insights on progress for the mentees. What we liked about Femme Palette as a partner, is their commitment to supporting women get access to development through the FP Scholarship fund who may not otherwise have the opportunity.
Raveena Dhadwal
DEI Business Partner
at SThree
90% of our mentees would like to continue in mentoring, most of them even with the same mentor. I believe this speaks for itself. From my personal point of view – I've seen quite a few AHA! moments of our mentees, great progress and even shifts of their mindsets over the course of this particular program. 
Zuzana Peskova
Head of People & Culture
at Livesport
We love working with Femme Palette! Our whole team is so excited to get a chance to speak with senior mentors and gain experience through conversations without actually spending months or years of trials and errors themselves. We will definitely continue in the future and keep the option for people to join this awesome program!
Pavla Munzarova
CFO at Mews
People&Culture is one of the company priorities. The development of our team leaders and managers is our primary focus, as we know they are the key to our success. We chose Femme Palette’s mentoring program to become one of the pillars in this development initiative, and I could not thank the mentors more! The perspective brought from outside of Bonami helped our managers broaden their view on their growth, as well as people management in the company. Every mentee I talked to found the program beneficial for their current role and for their future career steps.
Regina Kluchova
Chief of People at Bonami
We wanted to give our leaders and managers the possibility for both professional and personal growth. Our aim was to implement a long-term educational program focused on improvement of our managers’ soft skills, and once we saw what Femme Palette offers, we knew we had found the corresponding way of doing that. The main purpose of the program was for our leaders to clarify their professional goals and get inspiration for their managerial roles from other professionals from different companies and industries. We really appreciate the cooperation with Femme Palette, their proactive approach and their willingness to solve all our ad hoc requirements. Their reports gave us a great overall picture of the impact the program has had on our company's everyday reality.
Irma Maric
Education Specialist, Tipsport

Case studies

Tighe & Bond wanted to provide their mid-career top female talent with mentorship that didn’t exist within the firm, predominantly from a soft skills perspective.

Read their story

The company wanted to try out a different approach to talent development and decided to enroll selected employees to the leadership and mentoring program. The company wanted to give its leaders who have been in their roles for several years an opportunity to learn 1:1 from external mentors.

Read their story

The company wanted to help selected leaders in the company to continue working on their leadership skills through personalized 1:1 approach in the form of external mentoring.

Read their story

SThree runs its global women’s leadership development programme, Identify, and for the year 2022, they decided to offer the participants of the leadership programme an opportunity to get a personal mentor.

Read their story

The company has its Women Resource Group, whose main leaders wanted to offer its members an opportunity to get a mentor and work on their career and skills.The committee of Avast’s ERG selected the right candidates for the program based on their motivation.

Read their story

The company wanted to offer selected employees a professional development opportunity through external mentoring. The company has been supporting their employees internally on their professional development, but wanted to give them also the option to learn from external resources.

Read their story

The finance team wanted to offer their team members an opportunity to learn from external resources through mentoring to keep up with the company's high growth and new challenges.

Read their story

What our mentees say

We matched over 1,000 people with their mentors. Read about their experience.
"I was made redundant on the same day I received the email letting me know you have found my mentor. Within 6 weeks I got an offer, and started in my new company little over 2 months after the mentoring sessions with Tony started. Forever grateful for all his guidance and support."
Joana Delgado
Product, Growth Manager, Novartis
"Over the 12 mentoring sessions, I have learnt and developed in many aspects of my career and personal life. Through the program, my mentor has helped me switch careers successfully, grow confidently and improve on my overall personal development with increased focus and ambition. It’s a wonderful experience to learn from the experience of my mentor and have the support and guidance, especially when switching careers and starting from the beginning again."
Ayan Ali
Junior Frontend Developer, Elsewhen
"I really profited a lot from the mentoring program. My mentor Nahal gave me very valuable feedback and was able to help me with different development points such as communication in situations under pressure.  I feel more confident about my leadership skills now . Not only me but also my team benefits from this in our daily business."
Stefanie Bea
Sales Team Manager, SThree
"Through my mentorship program with Monique I gained many new perspectives for my day-to-day work. Coming from a different professional background, her outside perspective on our business was particular helpful and enlightening. A great experience, professional and personal."
Markus Tressl
Director Platform Technologies (CX Platform Solutions), Merkle DACH
"Can't recommend high enough! I gained not only advice and insight that helped me navigate challenging situations in my career but impacted me on a personal level as well. My mentor was my inspiration and I loved her energy and drive! I feel I developed and progressed as a person thanks to the programme. Also, the whole programme is very well organized. I already participated in mentoring programme through different organisation and Femme Palette is definitely the winner."
Tereza Kolářová
Head of Finance, Bonami
"The program was beneficial for me. My mentor Vladimir convinced me that showing emotions is not a "weakness". It made me realize that we are all dealing with essentially the same thing and looking for the right way to move our team and company forward. I will and already do apply some of the insights in my private life. And my kids approve :)."
Romana Sevcikova
Sales Director of Corporate Finance, Ceska Sporitelna

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