
Helping managers grow their leadership skills: Employee mentoring at Tipsport

Written by
Femme Palette
Published on
September 5, 2023

Tipsport approached us when the company wanted to try out a different approach to talent development and decided to enroll selected employees to the leadership and mentoring program. The company wanted to give its leaders who have been in their roles for several years an opportunity to learn 1:1 from external mentors. To the Leadership program participants, we also offered leadership-focused workshops to combine group learning with a personal approach. 

We talked to Irma Marić, L&D Specialist at Tipsport, about the impact mentoring has had on Tipsport employees and how it has helped them grow in their roles.

To begin, tell us a bit about yourself and what you do at Tipsport.

My responsibility is learning & development. That means I create learning solutions and training plans for our employees including soft skills and hard skills, I design learning programs for managers, create video training and take care of our LMS system. 

What led you to pursue a career in L&D? Were there any key defining moments on your career path?

I love L&D because I think that learning new things and improving oneself is important for each of us in our careers and personal lives. Nowadays the world is so quick and there are so many changes we need to adapt to and learning new technologies and approaches to problem solving is helping us to do so. 

What made you want to join our mentoring program for companies? Have you had any experience with mentoring before?

We wanted to give our employees the possibility to discuss their work-related everyday issues with someone who could give them another point of view and help overcome challenges. We did not have previous experience with mentoring.

On the whole, what goals or challenges did Tipsport want to address by providing employee mentoring? 

We wanted to provide support to the managers, to deal with professional challenges they are not able to solve on their own. We wanted to give them space to discuss those topics with specialists from other companies, to give them another perspective on the issue. Also, we like that mentors from Femme Palette set up mentoring goals with their mentees and they are able to follow through those during the sessions.

How has mentoring helped Tipsport employees? What results are you seeing?

Our managers feel more confident in their role and have improved their leadership skills in general. They have somebody to turn to when they have a certain issue and need fresh opinion.

What would you say to other employers who are thinking about investing in a mentoring program, but aren’t sure if it’s the right decision?

If you want to give your employees space to share their thoughts and discuss topics they deal with on an everyday basis, this is a great opportunity to do so. Mentoring will broaden their minds and help them be more productive and facilitate better communication within their team.

Has the mentoring experience at Tipsport inspired you to bring mentoring to your company? Check out Femme Palette’s Mentoring program for companies to learn more about our offer and solutions. We’ll be happy to talk to you about your company’s needs to build the best possible experience for you!

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