
Tips for New Managers: Finding Your Voice and Building Confidence

Written by
Daryna Kosse
Published on
April 27, 2023

Hi! Let's get to know each other better. I am Dasha, a learning and development manager for one of the biggest relocation and moving companies worldwide and a certified professional transformational coach.

I am an ambitious person and a committed employee who took on a managerial role a bit more than a year ago. During that time, with my leader and my team miles away, I had my ups and downs as a new manager. This chapter of my life was about gaining confidence in making decisions, people management, and standing my ground in the professional arena.

I was and am still on a journey to find 'my voice'. I had already come to terms with the fact that it would be a lifelong adventure. And I must admit I have made some visible advancements, so I am here to share my story in the form of tips for people who have recently taken on managerial positions as well as for those who are leading the newly promoted managers.

Sit back, take a deep breath, and let’s get started.

Imagine the leader of your dreams, and one step at a time, become that leader for your team.

I believe you have encountered examples of managers you never want to become, and I hope you have also come across great leaders who are encouraging, open, and accountable while fostering a collaborative environment where everyone is motivated.

Let me challenge you with the exercise, which will help you understand what kind of leader you want to be.

Step 1. Take a piece of paper or open a new document on your laptop and start listing the qualities of a manager you want to be vs. the manager you would hate to become. To make it more fun, give them some cool names. For example, I have named the table with the qualities of the manager I want to become "Let’s rock it, girl," and the table with the bad characteristics "Calm down, sis, breathe, and take a step back." Feel free to use mine or come up with your own unique names that make you smile.

Here’s my example:

Step 2. Think about how you would implement the characteristics of a "rock star girl" and how you would avoid being a manager; you wouldn’t want to be one.

Step 3. Take on a one-week challenge where you block 20 minutes in your calendar at the end of each day to analyze every work communication that occurred during that day and reflect on the traits you exhibited, whether they belonged in the first or second column, and how you believe the recipients felt at the time.

Step 4. If you see the qualities from the first column dominating, appreciate yourself, celebrate your wins, and keep on rocking it.

In case you encounter the qualities listed in the second column, thank yourself for being honest and ask yourself what steps you could take in order to avoid them in the future. If you need to apologize to someone, by all means, do it! It will only demonstrate the strength of your personality. We all make mistakes, and that’s okay. Turn them into a learning experience, and don’t aim to be perfect.

Prioritize self-care.

As a new manager, it's easy to get caught up in work and forget about taking care of yourself. However, it's crucial to make time for self-care activities like exercise, meditation, hobbies, or simply taking a break to recharge.

For instance, I began dancing the bachata, which eventually developed into my "let's get away from the business world" hobby. Even though my current level is "a tree is perhaps more flexible than I", I know that it's only the beginning, and I'll advance soon. In spite of the fact that I am a girl and should be a follower, I also tried to lead my dancing partners. Trust me, it was hilarious. Being the manager at work one day and "being managed" the next at the dance floor was initially challenging, but it taught me a new lesson about teamwork and how important partnership is to success.

*Pro tip: set all of those activities in your calendar so that you have a notification that it’s about time for a morning meditation, a work break (I call them a work oasis), or getting ready for your after-work activities.

Remember, being a manager involves sharing your positive energy to motivate your team, and you wouldn’t be able to do so if you were running out of battery. Take the time to recharge!

Build your support system; it’s more fun to conquer the world together!

Being a new manager can feel lonely and full of doubts, so it's essential to build a network of colleagues and mentors who can provide guidance and support.

I, for one, am forever grateful for my leader, who made me shine in this new role in ways I never knew before by providing a ton of support. I’d like to share one phrase of hers that opened so many doors for me and gave me the strength to move forward boldly.

One phrase, six words, and an endless meaning that allowed me to spread my wings and to be brave, strong, and creative are:

"I am always in your corner." It still fills me with a lot of inspiration, just as it did the first time I heard it from my leader.

And this is how the era of being my courageous self began—from this one simple phrase. I knew she'd catch me if I fell.

I was also extremely lucky to have my mentor alongside me. I’ll never have enough words to describe how life-changing that experience was. She was always there for me, helping me to shine in my own unique way, handle difficult conversations, and simply listen. This great woman became an inspiration for me to conquer a higher mountain each and every time. She taught me to appreciate myself, set my boundaries, and rock throughout my day, winning my battles.

And you know what will happen if I fall on my "battlefield"? I will stand up, learn from my experience, and move forward stronger than I was before. And I know for sure that my one and only support group will always be there for me. That is why I highly encourage you to build yours!

Be yourself; all the other spots are taken. And appreciate everyone’s uniqueness.

Lead from your heart with courage and a strong belief in human talent. When you’re in doubt, just ask yourself, "What would the best version of myself do?".

Be brave and don't be afraid to show vulnerability, because this is the place where empathy and power beautifully meld together like yin and yang. You'll discover so much about yourself by being authentic; I guarantee it. But keep in mind that it's crucial to treat yourself nicely and enjoy the experience.

It is a well-known fact (well, maybe not for everyone) that every human being has talent, with no exceptions. Absolutely. No. Exceptions. People do things in their own unique way, and of course, they might see things from a different perspective. And it requires a lot of wisdom to understand and, more importantly, embrace those differences. You are not like others, and others are not like you.

Would you please close your eyes for a second and realize the fact that no one from almost 8 billion people has identical eyes to you; they do not have the same voice or manner of speaking; and at least a myriad of other things make you, YOU.

We should have enough space in our hearts and minds to appreciate each other's individuality and treat people the way they want to be treated (an upgrade from "treat people the way you want to be treated"). As a manager, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you have all the answers. However, practicing appreciating everyone’s individuality can help you build stronger relationships with your team and gain a better understanding of their needs and concerns. Be your team’s biggest fan!

Set boundaries.

One of the fundamental challenges for new managers is learning how to manage their time effectively. To avoid burnout, setting boundaries and managing expectations are crucial aspects. You need to be clear about what you can and cannot do and what your team can expect from you. It's essential to establish these boundaries early on to avoid any misunderstandings or frustrations down the line.

Be upfront about your expectations for your team and communicate them clearly. Set realistic goals and deadlines, and make sure everyone understands what is expected of them. It's also important to be open to feedback and adjust your expectations accordingly.

Remember that setting boundaries and managing expectations is not just about saying no or setting limits. It's also about creating a positive work environment where everyone feels valued and supported. Be flexible and willing to compromise when needed, and always keep the lines of communication open.

In conclusion, setting boundaries and managing expectations is an ongoing process that requires constant attention and adjustment. As a new manager, be mindful of your workload, communicate clearly with your team, and prioritize creating a positive work environment. And remember, it's okay to say no or ask for help when you need it.

Celebrate small wins and appreciate your team’s efforts!

Remember to celebrate the successes of your team, no matter how small. It could be completing a project on time, hitting a milestone, or simply achieving a personal goal. By acknowledging these accomplishments, you not only show your team that you appreciate their hard work but also create a positive and motivating work environment.

Don't forget to celebrate your own wins too! It's important to recognize your own accomplishments and give yourself credit for your hard work. Take a moment to reflect on what you've achieved and appreciate the growth you've experienced as a manager.

Ultimately, celebrating wins is all about creating a culture of positivity and gratitude. By acknowledging the successes of your team and yourself, you inspire everyone around you to strive for greatness and foster an environment of support and encouragement. So take a moment to celebrate and savor the wins, and keep pushing forward towards your goals.

I hope that my tips and insights have been helpful to those who are embarking on their own managerial journeys or leading newly promoted managers. Remember that becoming a great leader is a lifelong journey, and it's okay to make mistakes and learn from them. Keep striving to be the best version of yourself, and always remember to take care of yourself along the way. With these things in mind, I am confident that you will be successful in your career and in helping others achieve their full potential. You've got this!

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