
What you should consider before starting your own business

Written by
Gabriela Dittrichova
Published on
June 24, 2021

Starting a business and building a brand is not easy. There is also not a single solution that suits all. However, if you have a business idea in mind or want to boost your enterprise, there is a way which can help you save money and time, it is called: mentoring for entrepreneurs.

Feedback is key

Listening to the experience of small business owners, pitching your idea to successful female founders, obtaining feedback on your business plan from people with the relevant experience in your industry. These are some of the ways in which mentoring for female founders can help you, whether you want to launch a start-up or give a boost to your current company.

Maybe you enjoy the flexible working hours, perhaps you want to dedicate more time to developing your passion. As everybody is trying to figure out their way of ‘going back’ to the old, now is the best time to start fresh! Whatever you have a business pitch or need a productive brainstorming session to develop your idea, why not to talk to someone, why not to talk to someone with numerous experience and connections in the area you are interested in?

Reflect and improve

If you already run a business, mentoring for founders can help you come up with creative solutions to a range of problems, including:

  • Dysfunctioning organizational structure and a weak business strategy
  • Insufficient use of resources and problems with the cash flow (!!!)
  • Pressure-testing your vision, analyzing the potential of an idea
  • Understanding motivation and discussing the deeper meaning of “why” 
  • Holding you accountable to make progress and accelerate your business

But if you think that you can just sit back, relax and watch your start-up blossom, think again! As Steve Jobs puts it, ‘most so-called overnight success took a long time’. And so, if you want to succeed, be prepared to work hard. But remember, that if you plant a seed today, you will enjoy the great harvest later. 

Learn from others

As many inspiring Czech women entrepreneurs confirm, being your own boss has its highs, but it also creates a lot of challenges. If you are starting something new, you might think you are in it alone. Not true! You have your family, friends and you can also have a business partner or a fellow professional. With Femme Palette, you get access to 12 sessions with an experienced (Czech or English-speaking) founder who helps you not only write a business plan, but also scale your business and build a brand. In other words, you gain all the support you need to launch a start-up and avoid some of the challenges you would otherwise face. 

Start networking

How to reach new people if you are closed in your social bubble? If you join a mentoring program, you get access to a bunch of fellow entrepreneurs and business people who can inspire you and make warm introductions on your behalf. Kicking off a new business is never easy, but remember, you are not in it alone! 

Networking gives you access to the relevant:

  • People
  • Information
  • Expertise
  • Knowledge
  • Resources

Stay focused

An extremely important element of starting a business is accountability. How many times did you have an idea to begin something new and never pursued it because ‘life got in the way’? Well, exactly for those reasons, it is great to have someone to hold you accountable. In the Femme Palette mentoring program, you can be assigned to an accountability buddy, who is not only a great addition to your network but also someone to discuss your goals with. And you can’t even imagine what a difference this can make to your side-hustle! 

So, if you are ready to kick off your new business venture but don’t know how to get started yet, contact us and we will set you up. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that yet another of your dream projects will end up in the bin, the Femme Palette mentoring program will not let that happen… Forget the excuses, it is time to let the fun(ding) begin!

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