
The top budgeting apps to help you take control of your finances

Written by
Femme Palette
Published on
November 19, 2024

Managing your finances doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right tools, budgeting can become a straightforward—and even enjoyable—part of your routine. We’ve rounded up some of the best budgeting apps available, designed to help you track your expenses, set financial goals, and save smarter. Please note: We do not endorse or have any commercial relationship with these apps. This list is for informational purposes only to help you explore budgeting tools that may suit your needs.

Let’s dive in!

1. YNAB (You Need A Budget)

YNAB is a fan favorite for good reason. This app operates on the principle of giving every penny a job, encouraging you to be intentional with your money. With tools to help you track your spending, plan for the future, and build better financial habits, YNAB stands out as a comprehensive budgeting tool.

Key features:

  • Real-time syncing across devices
  • Goal-setting and tracking
  • Detailed reports for spending trends

Whether you’re looking to save for a vacation, pay off debt, or build your emergency fund, YNAB is a powerful ally.

2. Spendee

Spendee is a versatile budgeting app developed in the Czech Republic, making it particularly well-suited for users in the region. It allows you to connect multiple bank accounts, track expenses, and create shared wallets for managing finances with partners or family members. Spendee's intuitive design and support for multiple currencies make it a great choice for both individuals and couples aiming to stay financially aligned.

Key features:

  • Shared wallets for collaborative budgeting
  • Multi-currency support
  • Customizable categories and budgets
  • Available in Czech and other languages

For couples or families looking to manage their finances together, Spendee offers a user-friendly platform that fosters transparency and teamwork.

3. MoneyWiz

MoneyWiz is a comprehensive personal finance app that allows you to manage all your accounts, budgets, and bills in one place. It connects to over 40,000 banks worldwide, providing automatic transaction syncing and categorization. MoneyWiz offers both income and expense-based budgets with automatic detection of new transactions based on categories or tags. The app also features over 30 different reports, from basic reports like Net Worth or Category spending over time, to more advanced ones such as Cashflow and Profit & Loss.

Key features:

  • Connects to over 40,000 banks in 50+ countries
  • Automatic transaction syncing and categorization
  • Income and expense-based budgets
  • Over 30 different financial reports

MoneyWiz is ideal for users seeking a powerful and versatile tool to manage their finances comprehensively.

4. Goodbudget

Goodbudget takes a unique approach by adopting the traditional envelope budgeting system. While it’s less automated than some apps, it’s perfect for those who want to take a hands-on approach to managing their finances.

Key features:

  • Virtual envelopes for budget categories
  • Syncing across multiple devices
  • Expense tracking and reporting

If you value transparency and enjoy managing your money with a partner, Goodbudget is an excellent pick.

5. Wallet

Wallet is an international budgeting app that offers a seamless way to manage your personal finances. With features like bank synchronization, shared accounts, and goal setting, Wallet makes it easy to keep track of your spending and plan for the future. Its user-friendly design and robust capabilities cater to both individuals and couples looking to take control of their money.

Key features:

  • Bank synchronization for automatic transaction tracking
  • Multi-currency support
  • Shared accounts for collaborative budgeting
  • Detailed financial reports and insights

Wallet is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a flexible, international budgeting tool that adapts to diverse financial needs.

Whether you’re new to budgeting or a seasoned saver, these apps can help you simplify and streamline your financial management. Explore their features to find the one that best suits your needs, and take the first step toward achieving your money goals today.

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