
Self-care tips for winter

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March 3, 2025

Femme Palette is excited to announce our new partnership with Verra, bringing you exclusive health tips to help you thrive. Together, we’re dedicated to sharing expert advice—from nourishing foods and essential routines to fun ways to stay active

How to avoid dry skin?

Cold weather can be hostile on your skin, leaving it dry, flaky, and irritated. To keep your glow all season long, start by switching to a richer, fragrance-free moisturizer.Since showering or washing your hands strips your skin of its natural oils, always apply moisturizer right after showering. Speaking of showers, as tempting as hot water is, lukewarm is your best bet, as higher temperatures intensify oil loss. Lastly, don’t forget your hands and lips — keep a hand cream and a hydrating lip balm in your bag at all times. Stay hydrated, protect your skin with cozy layers, and you’ll be winter-ready!

Feel-good winter foods to beat the winter blues

Winter's shorter days and chilly temperatures can sometimes bring about the "winter blues." Elevate your spirits by indulging in foods that support both your body and mind:

  •  Omega-3 rich delights: Incorporate salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds into your meals. These omega-3-packed foods are known for its health benefits, including possibly influencing your mood.These Premium Omega-3 are made of seaweed, which does not carry the risk of heavy metal accumulation like fish sources and are also a more sustainable option.
  • B Vitamins rich foods: Enjoy leafy greens, eggs, and lean meats to increase your intake of folic acid and vitamin B-12, essential for energy and emotional well-being. Give this Premium Vitamin D a try—it's blended with sea buckthorn oil, enhancing its health benefits.
  • Sunshine in your diet: With limited sun exposure during winter, include vitamin D-rich foods like dairy products, egg yolks and mushrooms to help maintain optimal levels.
  • Include sources of tryptophan: Foods like bananas and turkey are great sources of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps your body produce serotonin—a neurotransmitter linked to happiness and relaxation.
  • Dark chocolate indulgence: Treat yourself to a small piece of dark chocolate. It contains polyphenols (antioxidants) and it’s a delicious way to satisfy cravings while giving your body some extra nourishment during the colder months.

Try staying active!

It’s easy to feel lazy when it’s cold outside, but movement is key to feeling energized and fighting off the winter blues. Try cozy indoor workouts like yoga or pilates. Ifyou love the cold, winter sports like ice skating, skiing, or even sledding can be a fun way to stay active.

P. S. If you are considering supplementing with high quality supplements, we recommend our Verra Premium Vitamin D or Omega-3. In addition, with the code “FemmePalette” you will receive a 5% discount on the product of your choice.


MARTÍN-RODRÍGUEZ, Alexandra; GOSTIAN-ROPOTIN, Laura Augusta;BELTRÁN-VELASCO, Ana Isabel; BELANDO-PEDREÑO, Noelia; SIMÓN, JuanAntonio et al. Sporting Mind: The Interplay of Physical Activity and PsychologicalHealth. Online. Sports. 2024, roč. 12, č. 1. ISSN 2075-4663. Available at:

Healthline. Winter Blues? Try These 10 Food Tips to Help Ease Symptoms. Online.In: . 2017. Available at:

Healthline. 11 Tips to Prevent Dry Winter Skin. Online. In: . 2021. Available at:

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