
Tools to track, manage, and prioritise your work hours: 8 tips from our community

Written by
Rose Smith
Published on
September 8, 2023

At Femme Palette, we have a community composed of diverse professionals of different cultures, fields, and backgrounds brought together with our passion to constantly improve and better ourselves. 

We asked our community their top tools to improve their time management! From tools that manage and track time to those that help you prioritse tasks to make the most out of your workday, we are sharing their top picks of both digital and analogue tools that help them with their daily tasks! Increase your productivity this month by trying out one of these tools and seeing if they fit your working style.


Clockify is a time tracking software that has a timesheet app that lets you track your work hours across different projects or tasks. Aside from tracking the time you spend on projects, it also helps you analyse your productivity. 


Toggl is another popular time-tracking app mostly used by freelancers who need to know where the billable hours go. It is also used by those who want to improve their productivity.

Ugmonk’s Analog

One of our community members shares Ugmonk’s Analog, a physical tool that helps you focus on your most important work. Working alongside digital tools to help you focus, Analog divides tasks into three cards (today, next, and someday) as well as marks each task according to its status (completed, in-progress, or delegated).

Pomodoro Technique

A famous time management method inspired by the tomato-shaped kitchen timer, the Pomodoro Technique was brought up by some of our community members in the discussion. Developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, the technique breaks work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. 

Pareto Principle

The Pareto Rule has been mentioned in our discussion when the conversation was about task prioritisation. With the principle stating that roughly 80& of consequences come from 20% of causes (also known as the “vital few), this principle lets you choose to do 20% of the task list (high-value tasks) first that’ll deliver 80% of your desired results. 

Eisenhower Matrix

A community member also shares her use of the Eisenhower Matrix. Attributed to statesman Dwight D. Eisenhower, this method utilises the principles of importance and urgency to prioritise workload. This matrix divides tasks into four quadrants: 

  • important and urgent for tasks are to be done immediately and personally
  • important and not urgent for tasks which deadlines are to be determined and tasks to be done personally
  • unimportant and urgent for tasks to be delegated
  • unimportant and not urgent for tasks to be dropped


ClickUp is a tool that combines “task and time management in one.” Aside from bringing all your work in one place, ClickUp can help you plan and track your projects as well as collaborate with your team on any project as it builds the workflow for you and your team.

The app is an all-in-one work management platform that helps teams streamline their workflow, collaborate seamlessly by managing complex project effectively. One of our community members described the tool as “easy to use” and shares that the low-end product can be used for free.

Are you looking to join a community of driven women (and men) want to connect with like-minded professionals, share their career challenges, get inspired and learn new things? Join our community and discover the many perks and benefits of being a Femme Palette community member. 

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