
Reinventing yourself in the new year

Written by
Gabriela Dittrichova
Published on
June 25, 2021

New year, new me. Ever heard that one before? Since this year has been full of unexpected challenges, what better time to revisit your objectives, develop new skills, and reinvent yourself than now? Set yourself a goal for 2021 of becoming a better version of yourself. Some want to lose weight, others want to quit coffee, but YOU can focus on your personal development. That is a resolution that will last you a lifetime.

Where to start? Now that work is finally slowing down but you are busier than ever at home, try to steal some time purely for yourself and focus. On what you have achieved, on where you are at. It can be right after a few busy Xmas days when we are all digesting the carp, schnitzel, or tofu when we can lay back and reflect. Here is how to get started.

1. Reflect on your achievements

> What have you achieved this year?

> What accomplishment are you the proudest of?

> What was the biggest challenge you successfully overcame this year?

Thinking positive will help you tune in into the mode of ‘anything is possible’. Therefore, appreciate and maybe reward yourself for all your successes over the past year.

2. Develop your talents

> Now that you have a list of what you are good at, where do you see an area for improvement?

> Is there a particular skill you would like to develop?

> Are there any weaknesses that you would like to tackle?

Once you have time to ask yourself these questions, you can dig deeper and apply the method of 5 Whys. The basic principle is that once you identify a problem - meaning your weakness - you ask yourself why is it so. After every answer you ask yourself that question again, so you will justify your answer multiple times. This will help you develop a strong motivation to tackle this.

If you need help identifying what your strengths are and how you could improve your weaknesses, why not get a professional mentor together with whom you can identify what are the main talents you can develop.

Last-minute Xmas gift? Receive a Christmas voucher for mentoring straight into your mailbox. Order here.

3. Learn new skills

If you are stuck - either at work or in life in general, you need a change. Start learning new skills or find a new hobby! The pool of possibilities is endless - from online courses on LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, etc. to the digital academy by Czechitas to various DIY classes that have all been taken online this year. Check out this list of useful online resources to see what is available to you and what talents you could develop.

4. Consider a career change

If you want to take the change to the next level, why not consider a career change? If you have transferable, soft, and hard skills, will research a potential new market well and feel you have something to offer, a mentor can also guide you in a successful career transition and help you navigate the challenges it brings.

Whether you take up knitting or decide on a career change, trust that the time between Xmas and the new year is the best time for reflection. Work slows down, responsibilities minimize, and all you can do is focus on you! Use this time wisely and we look forward to seeing you in our community in 2021! Happy new year.

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