Martina Jurčíčková
Interim Manažer & Lektor & Konzultant & Mentor
Mentoring focus:
Finance & Operations, General Career Guidance & Soft Skills, Management & Leadership, Project Management
Vše co dělám, dělám s nadšením a na plno. Doma, v práci, při sportu. Miluju hory, cestování, sport, víno. Snažím se udržovat v rovnováze čtyři pilíře spokojeného života - zdraví, rodina a vztahy, naplňující práce, koníčky.
Are you interested in working with this mentor?
Share with us the mentor name during the interview with the Program Manager and we will try our best to make it happen!*
Get matched with a mentor*We don't guarantee that this mentor will be the right person for your goals and will have capacity for mentoring, but we will try our best to find the right mentor for you!
Not sure how the program works?
Schedule a free consultation