
How to write a follow-up email to land your dream job

Written by
Gabriela Dittrichova
Published on
June 24, 2021

New year, new resolution, and maybe a new position. But how to stand out from the crowd when the competition is tough? This study shows that writing a follow-up email can increase your chances of getting a job by 91%. Albeit not common in the Czech Republic, making yourself familiar with this type of communication can make a difference when applying for work. Here is how to write a great follow-up email.


Rules to follow

  • Send the email ASAP
  • Start with a thank you
  • Be genuine
  • Email everyone

1. Don’t hesitate

By sending a follow-up email, you show your sincere interest in the position. Therefore, the sooner you do it, the more likely they are to remember you and see that you are keen to work with them. Looking from your own perspective, for how long are you likely to remember someone (especially if you meet multiple people on the same day)? For a day, an hour, or hardly a few minutes until the next person comes into the picture? Same applies to recruiters and hiring managers, so the longer you wait, the less likely they are to remember you. Make their work easier and email them right after the interview, so they have incentive to bring your application forward.

2. Say thank you

If you are unsure about how to start this kind of email, the advice is simple - start with a thank you. In your opening paragraph, thank the interviewer for their time, the opportunity, or advice. But don’t overwhelm them. Keep it short and sweet. Sometimes a simple thank you will do the trick.

3. Be genuine

Don’t just copy paste a universal thank-you email you found on the internet or used for your previous job interviews. Recruiters and hiring managers in particular can tell when a message has been duplicated. Therefore, ensure that your text is original and related to the subject. This will show that you are genuinely interested in the company and the role, and explain why you think you are the best fit for the position.

4. Email everyone

If you are interviewing for a large company, chances are you will interact with multiple people on the panel. Therefore, when sending a follow-up email, make sure everyone receives a copy. After your interview, all of those people are likely to review your profile individually, and thus it is crucial that each of them has a copy.  

NOTE: A follow-up email is recommended even if you are no longer interested in the job. You never know when these connections might become useful, so remember to ALWAYS follow up.

Connecting with interviewers in a timely and professional manner will help you beat your competitors and make landing a dream job a little easier. Therefore, if you want to hit a fresh start and get a new job in 2021, remember to email back right after the interview. Especially in Czechia, where follow-up emails are rare, sending a thank-you note can be your advantage when applying for work. If you are on the market and look for new opportunities, join our “Open to new opportunities” list and wait to hear from our hiring partners in case you’re a fit. And that is worth a try!

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