Jeder Mensch hat andere Bedürfnisse und berufliche Herausforderungen. Machen Sie die Vielfalt zu Ihrem größten Vorteil und helfen Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern, sich durch Mentoring zu entfalten. In diesem 6-monatigen Programm bringen wir Ihre Teammitglieder mit dem richtigen Experten für ihre genauen Karrierebedürfnisse zusammen.
Die angezeigten Daten sind vom Februar 2022
Tighe & Bond wanted to provide their mid-career top female talent with mentorship that didn’t exist within the firm, predominantly from a soft skills perspective.
Read their storyThe company wanted to try out a different approach to talent development and decided to enroll selected employees to the leadership and mentoring program. The company wanted to give its leaders who have been in their roles for several years an opportunity to learn 1:1 from external mentors.
Read their storyThe company wanted to help selected leaders in the company to continue working on their leadership skills through personalized 1:1 approach in the form of external mentoring.
Read their storySThree runs its global women’s leadership development programme, Identify, and for the year 2022, they decided to offer the participants of the leadership programme an opportunity to get a personal mentor.
Read their storyThe company has its Women Resource Group, whose main leaders wanted to offer its members an opportunity to get a mentor and work on their career and skills.The committee of Avast’s ERG selected the right candidates for the program based on their motivation.
Read their storyThe company wanted to offer selected employees a professional development opportunity through external mentoring. The company has been supporting their employees internally on their professional development, but wanted to give them also the option to learn from external resources.
Read their storyThe finance team wanted to offer their team members an opportunity to learn from external resources through mentoring to keep up with the company's high growth and new challenges.
Read their storyWir vereinbaren einen Gesprächstermin mit den Bewerbern und helfen ihnen, ihre Ziele für das Programm festzulegen, um ein klares Ergebnis zu erzielen.
Wir bringen die Mentees mit ihren Mentoren zusammen. Sechs Monate lang treffen sich Mentoren und Mentees alle zwei Wochen.
Wir werden einen Workshop veranstalten, um die Mentees auf das Mentoring vorzubereiten. Sie lernen, wie sie mit dem Mentor zusammenarbeiten können, welche Fragen sie stellen sollten usw..
Sie erhalten von uns aktuelle Informationen über die Fortschritte der Mentees, ihr Engagement und ihre Zufriedenheit mit dem Programm.