Rashmi Dsouza

Product Leader
Trade Republic
Mentoring focus:
Finance & Operations, General Career Guidance & Soft Skills, IT/Tech/Product, Management & Leadership
With 12 years of experience in financial services, I specialise in product management, strategy, and data. My passion lies in building empowered teams and profitable products and that leverage technology to create delightful user experiences, solving real customer problems ✨
Proudly, a woman of colour and an expat, navigating life as a leader, at the intersection of two industries that have struggled with diversity, finance and technology, hoping to pay it forward!
When I'm not working, I'm in the great outdoors with my two beautiful dogs, immersed in the arts or searching for new experiences.
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*We don't guarantee that this mentor will be the right person for your goals and will have capacity for mentoring, but we will try our best to find the right mentor for you!

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