Olha Stelmakh

Senior Content Manager - Digital Products EMEA
Mentoring focus:
General Career Guidance & Soft Skills, Marketing

I moved to The Netherlands from Ukraine when I was 17 years old. After I graduated from university and started job hunting, I faced many unexpected challenges. Having somewhat soft character and being the youngest one among my colleagues, I had to quickly learn how to stand up for myself and prove that professional qualities do not depend on your background or age. Now I finally reached the point in my career where I am confident in my knowledge and skills, not afraid to speak up and can stand my ground whenever required. I believe I have come a long way and have gained a few valuable lessons. I believe there are a lot of women out there who can closely relate to my experience. I would be extremely happy to share lessons I've learnt with them in hopes to inspire, motivate and help them grow. I needed this support back then, but now I am ready to give back!

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Share with us the mentor name during the interview with the Program Manager and we will try our best to make it happen!*

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*We don't guarantee that this mentor will be the right person for your goals and will have capacity for mentoring, but we will try our best to find the right mentor for you!

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