Mary-Brennan Minarovych

Narrative Coach
Czech Republic
Mentoring focus:
Consulting & Strategy, Design, Entrepreneurship, Finance & Operations, General Career Guidance & Soft Skills, HR/Recruiting/DEI, Management & Leadership, Project Management, Public affairs/International relations/Politics
What story do you wish to tell, and how do you want to show up within that narrative? Through a mindful and experiential approach, rooted in Narrative Coaching, I walk alongside individuals as they discover, access, and reconnect with their inner stories, enabling them to better navigate the accelerating complexities and turbulence of our times.

My approach is grounded in over 20 years of experience as an effective communications advisor to CEOs and C-suite executives where I engaged with leaders in the development and sharing of stories that helped nurture human connection and drive positive change.
Are you interested in working with this mentor?

Share with us the mentor name during the interview with the Program Manager and we will try our best to make it happen!*

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*We don't guarantee that this mentor will be the right person for your goals and will have capacity for mentoring, but we will try our best to find the right mentor for you!

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